From this article you'll know:
- what's the best way, in my opinion, to prepare chatbots in Copilot Studio,
- what features to avoid for now until they get mature.
My last chatbot development went quite well. I've needed to make some design decisions, which I think could be interesting for others. That's why I've wanted to scribe a short post to show you some insights from my perspective.
What to use for now
I think for now it's good to stick to the classic chatbot design approach (read more). Why? Because most of the features related to generative orchestration are still in preview (you can read more about the preview features here). So what you should use for now:
- for topics: stick to the classic trigger phrases,
- don't use "Actions" as they're still in preview, prefer to use flows to perform the necessary logic,
- use "Generative answers" node in your topic for: transforming output from the flow, presenting it to the user, answering questions based on few knowledge sources,
- don't overthink it - sometimes it's better to use a simple "Message" node, instead of using "Generative answers" to create everything.
With the mix of classic features and recently introduced "Generative answers" (it's already in Generally Available status, so you can use it freely), you can create many useful chatbots for different purposes.
What to avoid
- generative orchestration:
- connector actions ("Actions" mentioned earlier):
- event triggers:
Of course, there could be more - read all the descriptions! If you're unsure about something, it's also worth to check the official documentation on All in all: be careful!
For now, at a glance, it seems that Copilot Studio features are quite limited, but don't be disappointed. Classic features powered up by "Generative answers" action can already give you a very useful chatbot with a lot of features. Keep that in mind and don't get into GenAI hype. The best feature is the one that fulfills your requirement, not the one that's nice and shiny. 😉